E-store Security


MyClinicShop.com/820 Direct e-stores are hosted on stand-alone HIPAA compliant servers housed in a secure datacenter.

Security enforced by Robard/Food Sciences Corporation on myclinicshop.com

  • SSL certificate through LetsEncrypt
  • Google Captcha v.3 for all login and forms
  • Regular updates of WP core, themes, and plugins
  • MyClinicShop.com/820 Direct e-stores are hosted on stand-alone HIPAA compliant servers housed in a secure datacenter
  • Your data is protected by multiple software and hardware firewalls and switches for ultimate security
  • We employ multiple backups to secure locations for disaster recovery options
  • Only approved personnel have access to the e-store administrative dashboards.
  • Wordfence Security plugin
    • Limited login attempts
    • Common hacker usernames blocked (admin, administrator, etc.)
    • Unused usernames automatically blocked
    • Throttling and blocking based on number hits in prescribed period of time
    • Firewall
    • Official repository scan for file deviations in WP core, themes, and plugins
    • Strong passwords enforced


Do I need to be PCI-DSS Compliant?


If you store, process, or transmit cardholder data (as defined in the PCI Security Standards Council’s glossary), yes.

If, however, you are taking payments off-site by using a gateway that uses its own servers to take payments (Square, PayPal Payments, etc.) and you are not collecting, transmitting, or processing cardholder data, PCI-DSS is not applicable to you.​ <–MyClinicShop